Top 20 Countries with the Highest IQ Scores Worldwide

Países com maior e com menor QI do mundo

The IQ level (Intelligence Quotient) is often used as a measure to assess the cognitive abilities of a population. Some countries stand out globally for having higher average IQs, reflecting investments in education, culture, and other factors that influence intellectual development. Asia dominates the top of the list, with countries like Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore occupying the top three positions. The source is this list, which compiles data from 2010 to 2019.

Japan leads the ranking with an average of 106.48, closely followed by Taiwan (106.47) and Singapore (105.89). These countries are known for their rigorous educational systems and a culture that values knowledge. Hong Kong and China complete the top 5, highlighting Asia’s supremacy in this metric. Outside of Asia, Europe also stands out with nations like Belarus, Finland, and Liechtenstein, which have average IQs above 101.

The countries with the lowest are generally those facing serious structural challenges, such as lack of access to education, malnutrition, and political instability, factors that profoundly affect the cognitive development of their populations. The last position in the ranking is occupied by Nepal, with an average of 42.99, highlighting the urgency of international interventions to improve living conditions in these regions.

Top 20 Countries with the Highest IQ

Position Country Average IQ
1 Japan 106.48
2 Taiwan 106.47
3 Singapore 105.89
4 Hong Kong 105.37
5 China 104.10
6 South Korea 102.35
7 Belarus 101.60
8 Finland 101.20
9 Liechtenstein 101.07
10 Germany 100.74
11 Netherlands 100.74
12 Estonia 100.72
13 Luxembourg 99.87
14 Macau 99.82
15 Cambodia 99.75
16 Canada 99.52
17 Australia 99.24
18 Hungary 99.24
19 Switzerland 99.24
20 United Kingdom 99.12

The 10 Countries with the Lowest

Position Country Average IQ
189 Mauritania 59.76
190 South Sudan 58.61
191 Ghana 58.16
192 Ivory Coast 58.16
193 Guinea 53.48
194 Nicaragua 47.72
195 Gambia 52.68
196 Cape Verde 52.50
197 Sierra Leone 45.07
198 Liberia 45.07
199 Nepal 42.99

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